How to wear a pair on ankle boots you are sharing with your sister. In Milano

Anna da Re 19 ottobre6

I bought these ankle boots last winter with my sister.

We were at the Zara main store in Corso Vittorio Emanuele, browsing through the items on sale, and we spotted these boots. I wasn’t sure they would fit such a small person as myself, and if they hadn’t been on sale I would not have dared to buy them. Plus my sister, who love shoes (actually she loves flip flops best of everything, and since she lives on a lake in Southern California most of the time, she can afford to wear them for months, so she has a huge provision of them) liked them too.

So we decided to buy them together. That kind of thing that you would do only with your sister, if you what I mean… Because it doesn’t make sense, especially when your sister lives in California! And that’s the beauty of it.

When she left for the States, she was supposed to take them with her (the lake is in the middle of the mountains and has very cold winters), but they couldn’t fit in the suitcase! As it happens to me when I go to the States, I always overestimate the size of my suitcase, and end up leaving a lot of stuff behind. My sister does the same…

So the ankle boots are not mine but are firmly in my closet. Today for my #selfieinthekitchen I am wearing them with a pretty skirt from H&M (3 or 4 years ago), a blue T-shirt (Massimo Dutti) and a blue/grey sweater I made myself. And yes, I am satisfied! The ankle boots are not so difficult to wear, after all!

Have a nice day!

Anna da Re

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How to wear a pair on ankle boots you are sharing with your sister. In Milano

Anna da Re 19 ottobre6

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